the mother’s custody was extended

Investigators quickly ruled out the accidental lead because the child had multiple bruises on his body. The autopsy then confirmed the criminal hypothesis.

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The results of the autopsy performed on the body of the 7-year-old boy who died on the night of Wednesday October 12 to Thursday October 13 in La Seyne-sur-Mer, confirm the criminal trail, indicates Friday October 14 France Bleu Provence. The child succumbed after receiving several blows. His mother’s custody was extended in the morning.

At the end of this police custody, this 30-year-old woman must be presented to an investigating magistrate with a view to her possible indictment and a judicial investigation must be opened for “intentional homicide on a minor under 15 years old” , “non-denunciation of a crime” and “abstention from providing assistance”. The Toulon prosecutor’s office will request his placement in pre-trial detention. However, he insists on “the caution to be held in the imputability of the facts”.

The circumstances of his death are still unclear.

Because nothing is yet very clear in this file. If the drama was well knotted in the family apartment, it did not necessarily take place only in the presence of the mother. Old traces of beatings were notably noted on the body of the child. The judicial police of Toulon therefore took over the investigation, assisted by the departmental security of Var.

It was the mother who called the emergency services, citing an attack on her son after school. A version quickly dismissed by investigators, as the accidental thesis. The young woman, currently pregnant, is also described by a source familiar with the matter as “having some social difficulties” but which was not, until then, known to the police.

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