“The most terrible thing is …”: Dave confides after his long hospitalization on his upset daily life

Victim on January 25 of a fall of 2.5 meters in his property in the Villa Montmorency district, which he rents in the chic 16th arrondissement of Paris, the singer Dave was close to death. The 77-year-old artist, found unconscious by her husband Patrick Loiseau, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, two broken vertebrae and had two epileptic seizures when he was taken to hospital by emergency services. Now, all of this is (almost) ancient history.

Long questioned by Paris Match, Dave gave news of his health and spoke of the after-effects from which he still suffers. “The most terrible thing is that I lost my taste and smell. Eating is one of my favorite pastimes. It’s a real drama“, confided the singer. It must be said that the latter is a cooking enthusiast who also published the book Cuisinez-moi (Le Cherche-Midi) in 2019. On this occasion, he had mentioned in the pages of We both the differences he has with her husband the lyricist Patrick Loiseau on the subject: “He is a vegetarian, so it was not won (…) For our first meal, I made him a terrine of brains, for a vegetarian, had to dare! He made me an omelet cooked for fifteen minutes, it ended up in the plants! Patrick is not very focused on food, when I’m not there, he eats nuts or does not eat. But when I’m there, I take care of him, I cook vegetables for him and I cook meat for myself.

If he is happy to have been able to return to his home, Dave – whose real name Wouter Otto Levenbach – is not completely done with the doctors, he who had spent a fortnight at the Percy military hospital then had been transferred at the Invalides hospital. “They left me alone for two weeks and, since March 7, I go back to the hospital every day: occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy, I even see a psychologist! I’m not allowed to drive for the next six months. Other than that, I’m fine“, he added. The singer hopes to be able to return to the stage next April but, lately, he has been suffering from some memory loss and admits to having the voice”a bit veiled.

Paris Matchedition of March 24, 2022.

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