The Montreal Book Fair launches a new prize in honor of Janette Bertrand

The Montreal Book Fair will present a new prize in honor of Janette Bertrand, which will reward authors who address gender equality, women’s autonomy and the fight against gender violence.

The Montreal Book Fair made the announcement on Monday, a few days before the start of its 46th edition.

The Janette Bertrand Prize will be offered to an author from the French-speaking world who publishes a book in French and who uses the “power of words in favor of openness to others and inclusion”, it is indicated. .

The first prize will be awarded next year.

“This openness to the diversity of voices reflects Janette Bertrand’s commitment to inclusiveness and her conviction that every individual can contribute to advancing the cause of women,” says the salon in a press release.

Janette Bertrand, aged 98, will also be present this year at the Book Fair to meet her readers next Friday and Saturday.

Radio-Canada also announced on Monday the broadcast of a new documentary, Janette Bertand, on the verge of being a hundred years old, which can be viewed on its TOU.TV platform. It will also be presented on ICI TÉLÉ on January 4.

Janette Bertrand, a giant of the Quebec television and literary world, advanced the feminist cause throughout her career.

She also addressed several taboos in Quebec society, particularly in her shows. Love with a capital A And Speak for the sake of speaking.

In recent years, she has turned more towards literature with the publication of an autobiography and several novels.

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