Kelly started from a simple observation: she loves cookies, so why not make it her job? And what happiness she offers to each gourmand and gourmet with her creations that we never tire of.
Cookies full of love
– Anais Genin
What you notice immediately when you discover Kelly and her cookies is her generosity and the tenderness with which she creates her recipes. From the most classic (three-chocolate cookie) to the most original (CBD cookie) via the lemon cookie and the mint/chocolate cookie, Kelly delights everyone’s taste buds. And as she gets up every morning with the desire to treat a little more each day, she is full of projects and new partnerships. For example, we now find in its cookies, chocolate from Diogo Vaz or CBD from the Dakoté urban farm. Mons partnerships that give him the satisfaction of working with local products… and you can even enjoy a mini cookie from Kelly Gourmandises at Parenthèse du Moun when you order a coffee!
For late risers or simply brunch lovers, Kelly Balducci also offers brunch boxes to share… or not!
It includes in particular:
English muffins:
► Bacon maple syrup and scrambled eggs
► Or smoked trout, cream cheese and scrambled eggs
Avocado : New
► Country bread, avocado cream, feta and pomegranate
Granola bowl (homemade):
► Cottage cheese, fruit puree, homemade granola and fresh fruit
Pancake or French toast (your choice):
► With fresh fruits and maple syrup topping
And the Pago fruit juice
€37 the duo brunch box / €20 the Solo brunch box / €14 Baby brunch for children
Brunch will be offered this week on Friday, Saturday evening and Sunday evening
What is certain is that everything is done with the heart at Kelly Gourmandises!
Working is good, it fills a fridge. But love fills the heart. And thanks to love, Cookies are better here, Kelly Balducci
A contest to discover the new range of CBD cookies!
From this Monday, April 18, 2022, you can try your luck on Kelly Gourmandises’ Facebook page and Instagram account to win a box of 6 CBD* cookies!
* CBD is one of the main cannabinoid-like active substances of the hemp plant (cannabis-sativa) with relaxing effects.