the Minister of Justice cleared


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1 minute

Trial of Éric Dupond-Moretti: the Minister of Justice cleared

Trial of Éric Dupond-Moretti: the Minister of Justice cleared – (franceinfo)

The Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti was acquitted on Wednesday November 29. The Court of Justice of the Republic ruled that he was not guilty of illegal taking of interests, this is the conclusion of an extraordinary trial.

Walking slowly, looking up to the sky, Éric Dupond-Moretti remains silent as he leaves the court, Wednesday November 29. “I am innocent tonight and I would like to be remembered”he declared on the 8 p.m. set of France 2. “This trial was a test for me but at the same time a relief”. Applying a procedure without wanting to take revenge is the intentional element that the Court of Justice of the Republic and its decision to release the Minister of Justice did not take into account. However, the judges recognized that an illegal taking of interests did take place, the fault for the prosecution.

MEPs call for the dissolution of the Court of Justice

Exceptional justice, judged political by its detractors, including by the politicians themselves. In the National Assembly, some are calling for its dissolution. “Guilty but exempt from punishment, we could have said to ourselves: ‘well, all the same…’, but here the acquittal means that this Court of Justice of the Republic ultimately serves no purpose, except to whitewash, in small arrangements, ministers in office”, lamented Ugo Bernalicis, LFI deputy from the North. Élisabeth Borne was delighted with this decision, allowing her Minister of Justice to continue to carry out her work within the government.

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