Marine Le Pen announced that she would support a text allowing women suffering from endometriosis to be recognized as a long-term condition (ALD). They “already have access”, retorts Aurélien Rousseau.
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Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention, denounced Thursday September 28 on franceinfo “an opportunistic proposal” of the National Gathering on endometriosis, a subject “which he never invested in”.
Marine Le Pen’s party announced its intention to submit a text to the National Assembly on October 12 to “support women who suffer from endometriosis”. One in 10 menstruating women suffer from painful periods. The National Rally wishes to grant them long-term care status (ALD) “fully covered by health insurance” and recognition of the status of disabled worker.
“It drives me crazy that the National Rally is coming up on this subject”on which “he never got involved”Aurélien Rousseau reacted strongly. “Women who are affected by endometriosis already have access to a long-term condition (ALD)”, he explained. The RN proposal “is counterfeit money because this measure is in place and the majority have carried it with other groups for several years now”he said.
The text of the National Rally embarrasses the majority and the left-wing parties. The latter are asking the government to take the lead in pulling the rug out from under Marien Le Pen’s party. Bérangère Couillard, Minister responsible for Equality between women and men, said Tuesday on Radio J that she was “totally” in favor of a decree to “counter” the bill submitted by the National Rally.
As for him, Aurélien Rousseau expresses strong reservations about the status of disabled worker: “Are you sure that all women who have endometriosis would like to be recognized as disabled workers? I’m not sure”, assures he. The minister reiterated his commitment and that of the government: “I did not wait for the National Rally to come up with an opportunistic proposal to mobilize on this subject,” he declared.
In January 2022, the government announced the first national strategy to combat endometriosis, a disease that is still poorly known and recognized.