The Minister of Finance defends her budget in front of Montreal business people

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland on Monday defended the latest federal budget, calling it a “responsible approach to fiscal matters.” […] which focuses on the energy transition, on innovation and on people”.

She delivered a speech to the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal (CCMM), at the Palais des Congrès, her first speech since the tabling of her annual plan.

The president of the CCMM, Michel Leblanc, questioned the Deputy Prime Minister about the rise in consumer prices, recalling that “if governments spend a lot [dans leurs politiques budgétaires]it increases inflation and it can create pressure for the Bank of Canada to go even faster towards higher interest rates”.

“We took a responsible approach in the budget and, to highlight a number, we added 0.3% of GDP to the economy,” she replied. “It’s impossible to say that such a small amount will have an effect on inflation. »

According to Mme Freeland, it is mainly international causes that are to blame, including the prices of oil and agricultural products, as well as the effects of the pandemic on supply chains.

As for the labor shortage, Freeland argued that addressing the housing crisis could kill two birds with one stone, since he needs to have more homes available “if you want to have more people”. She cautioned, however, that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this complex problem.

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