The Mexican Zamudio-Quintana family still has no news from the Minister of Immigration about being able to stay in Quebec

Less than 24 hours before their deportation, the Zamudio-Quintanas, a Mexican family who have lived in Quebec for six years, still have no news from Immigration Minister Marc Miller, who has the power to prevent them from taking a one-way ticket to Mexico Friday morning. The Federal Court has still not rendered its decision on a motion for a stay of removal argued Tuesday.

“We know that there are discussions in the minister’s entourage but there is no certainty as to the outcome of all this. Everyone is stressed but the mobilization continues,” said Marie-Ève ​​Rancourt, whose children are with the Zamudio-Quintana family at the Saint-Clément school in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montreal.

A vigil was held in front of the school late Thursday in support of the family. A petition with over 2,600 signatures and several letters of support from the parents’ employers and the children’s teachers were sent to Minister Miller in recent weeks. “This family has received a huge outpouring of love in the last few days. It shows that this is the kind of family that qualifies for permanent residency on humanitarian grounds,” added Rancourt, in tears. “I can’t imagine the terrible night they’re going to have, it’s unbearable!”

Despite the emotions, Norma Quintana says she remains hopeful. “We try to be confident but we won’t sleep at night,” she told the Duty.

Tourism Minister and Liberal MP for Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Soraya Martinez Ferrada, met with the family, her office confirmed. [On] ensures that all available steps are taken regarding their complex file.

Originally from Michoacán, the Zamudio-Quintana family had requested asylum in Quebec after being subjected to threats and extortion by the Jalisco Cartel, one of the most powerful organized crime groups in the country. The three children, Ulises (2e secondary), Maria (4e year) and Angel (3e year) speak French perfectly and are very well integrated, according to their teachers.

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