the Metz-Guingamp match temporarily suspended by the referee, endangered by a supporter

The match of the 8th day of Ligue 2 between Metz and Guingamp was suspended on Monday, while the referee called the two teams to go to the locker room, fearing for his safety.

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Surrealist scenario in Saint-Symphorien. The Metz – Guingamp meeting, counting for the 8th day of Ligue 2, was stopped for almost half an hour on Monday, September 12, when the two teams were sent back to the locker room by the referee of the meeting, Pierre Gaillouste , at the hour of play. The refereeing body considered that its safety was no longer assured during the intrusion of a supporter, while the Messins had just been reduced to eight after a third red card. The meeting was interrupted at 3-3, score already acquired before halftime. Play will resume at 10:30 p.m., officials said.

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