“The mere fact that Anne Hidalgo is present allows the PS to prepare the sequel”, according to a political scientist

Olivier Rouquan observes the “posture of resistance” of the socialist candidate, a proof of “solidity”, according to him.

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“The challenge is to remain visible and to remind that it is there”, estimates Sunday, April 3 on franceinfo the political scientist Olivier Rouquan, associate researcher at Cersa. Socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo is holding a rally on Sunday at the Cirque d’Hiver in Paris, a week before the first round of the presidential election for which she is credited with 2% voting intention in the latest Ipsos Sopra Steria poll for franceinfo and Le Parisien/Today in France. “The mere fact that she is present allows the Socialist Party to prepare the sequel, to have an offer and to improve it in preparation for the legislative elections.”

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Anne Hidalgo will have to “make new proposals” if she wants to get her head above water and “try to deceive voting intentions”. “If she could do a little more, it would probably always be good for her. Then she will have to be able to bring together what remains of loyal socialists and stage this collective.” While Martine Aubry, Bernard Cazeneuve, François Hollande or even Lionel Jospin have already given him their support, Olivier Rouquan thinks that “It sends the message to historical socialists that we must maintain a PS identity”.

According to Olivier Rouquan, Anne Hidalgo had a “posture of resistance” while “EELV and LFI are just waiting to wipe the PS off the map”. “Even very damaged, the PS shows that it is there”, “that its network of local elected officials will prepare the electoral agreements” of the legislative ones, and “prepare the recomposition of the left”. “In terms of image, Anne Hidalgo still managed to embody a certain strength to remain present and upright in such a negative campaign. It’s a sign of solidity. So beware, he is not at all also says that she collapses at the mayor of Paris after her campaign. There is a central idea among the socialists since François Mitterrand. It is to go to the end of the mandate.

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