The mental load of women: some ideas to lighten up

Once upon a time, there were women who exhausted themselves by constantly having their minds occupied by all the missions for which they believed themselves responsible. Today with Julie Lancel coach in personal development, we are considering avenues to escape what is not inevitable.

First thing: set priorities to avoid multitasking.

What is really important and urgent to do? From this prioritization, the day is organized around strong themes, we allow ourselves to forget what is not important.

One task at a time and complete each one.

Do you know that we have at our disposal a “mental basket”?

Why burden your mind with files that are of little importance? We can allow ourselves to slip them in the trash can and even write it on a sheet of paper to validate that we are discarding them.

We can encourage those around us to do more household chores with us.

How nice it is to have clean linen, beds made, hot soup at dinner time, a tidy kitchen, the dishes done … It’s nice for everyone in the house. So it’s everyone’s business : children and spouse can each to their extent participate in this well-being. Julie Lancel gladly offers to list the tasks and distribute them in a table, which constitutes a contract between the inhabitants of the house. Contract that anyone can sign. And we display this table.

If you have the means, you can call on outside services for ironing, cleaning … It may require some work on yourself to accept that things will not necessarily be done exactly as you would have done them yourself .

Today’s education makes tomorrow’s citizens, so let’s educate our children to participate in family and domestic chores

, regardless of gender. If we want to make things happen, we have to make them happen.

In any case, our house is perhaps not worthy of being included in an exemplary decoration and storage magazine. SO WHAT ??!

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