the mayor of Saint-Macaire attacked by two minors in the middle of the street

The mayor of Saint-Macaire is still struggling to recover from this trauma. Cedric Gerbeau got hit hard in the middle of the street in this town of South-Gironde, Wednesday, December 8, we learned from the gendarmes, confirming information from our colleagues in the Republican South-Gironde. The chosen one was wounded by blows an altercation with two minors. “I am very affected by this ordeal which was incredibly violent”, he confided to France Bleu Gironde this Friday evening.

The mayor immediately filed a complaint on Wednesday. The two young people were arrested and must be summoned before a children’s judge. According to Le Républicain Sud-Gironde, Cédric Gerbeau was placed under police surveillance, to avoid any recurrence on the part of the relatives of the aggressors. He received seven days of temporary incapacity for work.

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