The electricity was cut in the Stade Armandie in the 51st minute of the match of the 29th day of ProD2 between Agen and Nevers.
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Social protest extends to sports fields. The match of the 29th day of ProD2 between Agen and Nevers was interrupted by a social action against pension reform, claimed by the CGT Energie 47, Thursday April 27. The stadium was plunged into darkness after a general power cut at the start of the second period and for nearly half an hour there was doubt about the continuation of the match.
The cut occurred in the 51st minute, when the Agenais, led 10 to 14, had just thrown a throw-in and a carried ball was organized along the line. According to the rules of the competition and the testimony of the federal representative present at the stadium and questioned by Canal+, the match had to resume within 30 minutes, under penalty of being definitively stopped. Nevers finally won (21-17). A good operation that allows the Nièvre club to temporarily climb to second place in the standings.
The mayor and the president of the SUA intend to file a complaint
The president of SU Agen, Jean-Pierre Fonteneau, announced at the microphone of Canal + Sport, broadcaster of the meeting, his intention to file a complaint. “It is irresponsible, it is not the solution to convey messages, even less important messages”, he denounced. Jean Dionis, the mayor of Agen, will also file a complaint “for dangerous behavior”on behalf of the town hall.
A similar action had already been carried out in Agen December 21, 2019, during a Top 14 match against Toulouse. The power cut had been claimed by CGT Enedis at the time, and had also taken place during the Castres-Lyon match which was being played at the same time. The mayor of Agen then castigated a “wild cut”.