the mask becomes compulsory again for all primary schoolchildren from this Monday

Barely a month after having taken off the mask, schoolchildren in the Gard will once again have to wear it in class. After the announcement made by the Ministry of National Education, the mask becomes mandatory again with the transition to level 2 protocol in schools. As the measure goes into effect, students, parents and teachers admit that they no longer understand much.

Johanna, a schoolgirl in CM2 is about to put a mask back on her face. She doesn’t quite understand why: “We took it off a month ago and now we have to postpone it. We do not put it in the yard, we are mixed up and we are asked to wear it to class. It makes no sense !“, she laments.

We do not understand anything !

Jacquie, a former nurse who takes care of her grandson in CM1 on a daily basis is not fundamentally against the measure. However, she deplores day to day decisions : “We don’t really know where we are going. One day we are told ‘yes’, one day we are told ‘no’. One day, you have to do ‘this’, one day, you have to do ‘that’. It is the current government that decides. They may know what they are doing but we no longer know what to do. We do not understand anything“, she concludes.

Others now prefer to resign themselves like Nicolas, the father of a young boy in CM2. “If it’s for their safety and the health of others, so much the better. But it’s a bit complicated for an 8-9 year old to understand all of this and accept it“, he explains. Helping children understand is also the job of teachers. These regular changes of course make some of them tense. “There is a fed up with this ‘deposit against deposit’, with these permanent back and forths. I admit that it becomes tiring “, deplores a teacher from Nîmes, especially since, for the moment, no date is set to determine when the masks can fall back.

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