the Maldives archipelago threatened with being submerged under water


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Climate crisis: the Maldives archipelago threatened with being submerged under water

Climate crisis: the Maldives archipelago threatened with being submerged under water – (FRANCEINFO)

Article written by

franceinfo – A. Hébert, F. Labigne

France Televisions

The islands of the Maldives, south of India, are already being eaten away by rising waters. To remedy this, successive governments are building dikes, but also artificial islands. A project that does not convince everyone.

In the south of India, the Maldives archipelago is famouse for its deserted islands, its corals and its fish. But this idyllic setting should soon disappear due to rising waters. Last year, on the small island of Dhiffushi, residents were already seeing the first consequences. “When I was a child, with my friends, we played football here, there was a small field“, says Ibrahim Anil, a resident, pointing to an area now covered in water.

Artificial islands built

80% of the territory is less than one meter above sea level. With warming, the coral, a natural barrier, is gradually dying. A phenomenon that accelerates the rise of water. In recent years, governmentsts successive build dikes around the islands to try to limit the damage. Artificial islands have also been built. Faced with the acceleration of the phenomenon, more and more islands are built, and those that already exist are rehausseses. But this work has a pharaonic cost, divides the country and is critical.ues by environmental defense associations.

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