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After the controversial remarks of the head of state in Le Parisien on January 4, members of the government and the majority clashed with the opposition. Christophe Gascard, journalist in the political service of France Televisions is on the set at 11pm.
The majority expressed to agree with Emmanuel Macron. Indeed, on the form, she believes that there is an exasperation of a large part of the French who are forced to live under duress while a minority is not vaccinated. In contrast, members of the majority did not repeat the president’s words to avoid adding fuel to the fire.
If a large part of the deputies of the majority lined up behind Emmanuel Macron, some were embarrassed by these remarks, however assumed. Among them, the deputy of Indre, François Jolivet. The chosen one had declared on France Bleu, Wednesday January 5 that he would not have “not choose those words“. Other MEPs think the political calculation is smart : poke opposition members, create a divide in order to fracture the right and send the other parties back to their responsibilities. However, the risk is to hold up the most radicalized.