the majority intends to turn the page on pension reform without triumphalism

This is what the majority hopes, after a 14th day of less strong mobilization. In any case, she is careful not to show the slightest jubilation.

After a last day of action marked Tuesday by a participation at the lowest, Laurent Berger, the number of the CFDT evokes a “match ending, whether we like it or not”. No question for all that for the elected representatives of the majority to show off. To the question: between government and union, who emerges victorious?, the same answer – or almost – springs. “Nobody! I don’t think it’s important to think like that”temporizes one. “I don’t know if there is a winner or a loser in this configuration”, advance another. And one last slice: “We have always said it: there is no loser or winner”.

>> Pension reform: the President of the Assembly will oppose any amendment leading to a vote to repeal the postponement of the legal retirement age

Even if in reality, the government as a majority, do everything to make people forget the painful reform, the deputy Éric Woerth, followed by his colleague Patrick Vignal, certify it: no, it is not so easy to move on to something else. “If it were that simple, it would be known. Obviously it’s in the collective memory”comments the first. “We cannot turn the page on pension reform, says the second. We simply owe it to the workers to improve their conditions.”

Don’t provoke

The whole point is not to provoke a still furious opposition, not to rush the unions with whom contact is painfully re-established. They will be necessary, insists MP Marie Lebec: “There is the full employment project which is presented, many opportunities on which we must be able to continue to move forward and on which we hope to also be able to build things with the social partners”. Build, but brick by brick. If they exchanged with Elisabeth Borne three weeks ago, the unions have still not met Emmanuel Macron, who nevertheless hoped to see them before the end of May.

“The fight will continue”promises for his part the rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, even if the protest against the pension reform is heading towards its epilogue also in Parliament: the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet announced Wednesday that she was going to declare “inadmissible” the 64-year-old repeal measure, which was scheduled for Thursday in the hemicycle. The rest of the bill, carried by the group of independent deputies Liot and supported by most of the opposition, can still be examined, but therefore without a possible vote on its flagship measure.

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