The Luxembourg life of Régis

It was in 2013 that Régis and his wife moved to Luxembourg. They lived in Cité des 3 Bornes, in a small house sheltered from crowds and noise, and it was a professional opportunity that propelled them to the Grand Duchy even though they knew nothing of the country.

Luxembourg city is very small. We had to settle in and be accepted, a complex task when, at first glance, Luxembourgers can seem distant. Luxembourg is deeply European, the city was remodeled by Vauban. Very attentive to the cleanliness of their city and their metros, Luxembourgers are also very concerned about the protection of the planet, and we naturally and seriously sort our waste.

Fort Thüngen is a military building in Luxembourg located in Dräi Eechelen Park. It is part of the fortifications of the city of Luxembourg.

Today, Régis and his family live in the district of Bonnefoie in the south east of the city. Ideal district for families, Régis finds there a little the atmosphere of its 11th Parisian. Life is easy and the standard of living is very good. If they are attached to their language, you can express yourself very well in French in the shops where it is well practiced.

The Pfaffenthal Panoramic Lift - Ville-Haute is one of the two public lifts in the city of Luxembourg.
The Pfaffenthal Panoramic Lift – Ville-Haute is one of the two public lifts in the city of Luxembourg.

What he misses in Paris: cultural life! He really liked going to concerts in small venues, on a whim. Which does not exist in Luxembourg. There are also no small neighborhood cinemas like in Paris. Luxembourgers love multiplexes.

source site-35