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Despite the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin remains very popular in Russia. HAS Moscow, many shops sell mugs, t-shirts or even dolls bearing the image of the head of the Kremlin. Some products are even marked with the “Z”, the letter inscribed on Russian tanks in Ukraine.
T-shirts, mugs, vodka flasks. In a shop in downtown Moscow, Vladimir Putin is everywhere. Sell objects with the effigy of the head of the Kremlin”that’s what works best“, says a seller of these products. He adds : “it’s good for business and good for the country tooi”. Since what the Kremlin calls ‘the special operation in Ukraine’, Vladimir Putin has become an international pariah. But in Russia it continues to be very popular with the people. “We will follow it to the end. We are patriots. He did so many things for us“says a customer.
“People are often drawn to strong power, especially back home in Russia. It is a legacy that dates back centuries, rooted in our history“, testifies Oleg Orlovone of the few opponents to speak out publicly. Several shops also sell military propaganda items, such as T-shirts and mugs signed with “Z”, the letter inscribed on Russian tanks in Ukraine. This type of products seem not shock people.