The lost CAQ on Gilligan’s Island

Friday, I received three of my oldest friends for supper.

Guys passionate about politics, who follow the news closely.

At one point, the conversation fell on the CAQ.

“No, but what a disappointment! launched a friend of mine. You can not find?”

Everyone nodded.

It was one of the only consensuses of the evening.

That, and the quality of the Indian food I ordered.


In his column on Saturday, Joseph Facal wrote that the Legault government suffered from chronic fatigue.

Shortness of breath.

That he was a victim of his own arrogance.

I believe that the CAQ has just gone to the end of its adventure.

“Get on the CAQ bus, you’ll see, we’ll go further than Quebec has ever gone! Independence represents a leap into the void, and traditional federalism leads absolutely nowhere. But the autonomism of the CAQ will dig a third way! A broad, solid, modern third way, which will allow us to circumvent all the traps into which Quebec has fallen in recent decades!”

Now, it happened with the third way what happened with the third link.

It started off at top speed, with drums and trumpets, then it quickly took off! pout! poof!…

We went to ask Ottawa for new powers, Ottawa told us to eat chnoute and we came back with our tails between our legs.

Like the Italian, in the song of Dalida, who thought he would become a big star in America, but who returned to his native village flipping pizzas.

“François, is that you over there in the dark? But you are crying, François, you are crying! But what did you think, becoming like that prime minister of a free Quebec within Canada? Didn’t you know it wasn’t going to work, it never did?”


We boarded the CAQ expecting to have a great boat trip, then we ended up shipwrecked on Gilligan’s Island.

That’s what’s happening with the CAQ these days.

She ran aground.

We thought we were living an exhilarating adventure, discovering unknown shores, exploring new horizons, but the tide has turned, an unprecedented demographic wave has thrown us overboard and we find ourselves collecting straw to build huts.

There is Captain Legault, millionaire Fitzgibbon, Professor Jolin-Barrette, star Geneviève.

And Seaman Drainville.

Day after day, we think that our friends will manage to get out of the cul-de-sac where they got stuck, well, no, we always have to start over!

So in the meantime, we’re doing as we can…

Failing to have reached the green pastures announced on the magnificent prospectus that we were given on the 1er October 2018, we are building Lab-Schools, four-year-old kindergartens and seniors’ homes with the means at hand.

Tired, the Legault government?

No. Just caught up in reality.

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