The life of his son Maylone in full swing, a decision must be made quickly

Jessica and Thibault Garcia’s little family are living their last moments in their Dubai home. After more than five years in this one, they are about to move, not far, for a prettier residence. A move which therefore entails some significant changes, especially for little Maylone.

For almost a year now, Maylone has been going to nursery and meeting her friends every day. Happy where he is, the little boy has also evolved well since his first day. But now, Jessica Thivenin and her husband have decided to leave their neighborhood for another. A decision which therefore pushes them to find a new establishment for their son, and in particular a nursery school for the next school year. This week was therefore synonymous with a school visit for the small family. A situation that did not really please Maylone.

Transparent with her subscribers, Jessica Thivenin shares absolutely everything. The visit to the nursery school was therefore there: “We’re at school. We have the visit for Maylone’s registration“. If the candidate of the Marseillais seemed delighted, the little blond head was a little less. Used to playing, talking, running and laughing, the latter was very shy, and did not win a single smile from the visit alongside the mistresses and the director. It was with the greatest nonchalance, as Thibault Garcia pointed out, hands in his pockets, that Maylone walked in. Looking a little lost.

Fortunately, on leaving Leewane’s older brother has regained his zest for life and seems ready to enter his brand new school. This will be an opportunity for him to meet new friends. All you have to do is register!

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