the LGBT+ community reassured by the election of Lula who “has the means to unify the nation again so that we can get out of this war”

“Minorities must bow down, otherwise they will disappear”. The threat was signed Jair Bolsonaro, during the campaign that led him to his first term in 2018. Four years later, his vision of minorities and his rejection of difference were printed in the software of his supporters, like this woman who declares terrified: “I don’t want my 7-year-old son to go in the bathroom with shemales.”

>> Presidential election in Brazil: environment, economy, diplomacy… The projects awaiting Lula after his victory

On the side of the members of the LGBT + community, we come out in a state of shock from the passage by the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro. His speech made them easy targets on a daily basis, Bianca testifies: “The problem is the anxiety of saying who we are.”

“I’m a lesbian and I’ve spent the last four years with fear in my stomach.”

“All the racist, misogynistic violence escalated because the president supported themdenounces Bianca. It’s not going to go away, but I think President Lula has the means to unify the nation again so that we can get out of this war.” she hopes.

>> Canceled shows, compromised funding: in Brazil, LGBT productions are the target of a culture war led by far-right president Jair Bolsonaro.

As soon as he was elected on Sunday evening, Lula pledged to restore solidarity, acceptance of differences, love of neighbor in Brazilian society.

His return is a relief for Ribero. “Lula is the first to have spoken about gays and it was the first time in my life that someone said that I had the same rights as anyone”confides the young homosexual, born in a small village.

During Lula’s previous mandates, in 2003 and then 2010, Ribero felt like a citizen like any other. But in 2019, Jair Bolsonaro excluded LGBT + representatives from the perimeter of his super ministry of family and human rights led by an evangelical politician, leaving this minority without any interlocutor with federal institutions.

In Brazil, the LGBT community is reassured after the election of Lula – report by Olivier Poujade and Gilles Gallinaro.

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