The legislative elections, the renunciation of Taha Bouhafs, the Squarcini-LVMH affair… François Ruffin’s “8h30 franceinfo”

François Ruffin, deputy La France insoumise of the Somme and candidate for his re-election for the legislative elections of next June, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Tuesday, May 10. He answered questions from Sahlia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

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Taha Bouhafs’ candidacy for the legislative elections: “Everyone makes mistakes”

Without clearly affirming his support for Taha Bourhafs, François Ruffin said to himself “sadness” by the withdrawal of the journalist’s candidacy for the legislative elections in the 14th district of the Rhône. The journalist, who is to be tried on appeal for “public insult” after insulting a police unionist, explained on Twitter to have made his decision after having “weathered an unprecedented storm of attacks”.

“Everyone makes mistakes”added the rebellious deputy of the Somme. “What worries me is not that there is a Taha Bouhafs in the National Assembly. It’s all that there is not in the Assembly, pointed out François Ruffin. How many workers? How many masons? What worries me about democracy is this uniformity. I want the National Assembly to be representative of the diversity of French society and we can consider that Taha Bouhafs represents part of the sensitivity of the French population.”

Squarcini-LVMH affair: Bernard Arnault “buys the police and on the other side he buys justice”

The LFI deputy was also questioned about the case between him and LVMH. François Ruffin questioned, this Monday, before the Paris Court of Appeal, the regularity of a judicial agreement which allowed the luxury group to avoid prosecution against the payment of a fine of ten million euros in the Squarcini case. Bernard Squarcini, former head of internal intelligence, is suspected of having monitored François Ruffin on behalf of LVMHduring the filming of Thanks bossa satirical film about the world leader in luxury, rewarded in 2017.

According to François Ruffin, Bernard Arnault, the boss of the LVMH group, “buys the police, and on the other side he buys justice”. “The offenses committed are proven, and yet it will have been enough to write a check”regretted the former journalist. “I hope one day justice will wake up and judges will say to themselves ‘justice is not for sale!’he continued.

Purchasing power: “Indexing wages to inflation”

“The first thing to do for purchasing power is to index wages to inflation”propose Francois Ruffineven though this measure does not appear in the program of France rebellious. This would represent a 5% increase in all wages. The candidate Nupes for his re-election to the legislative elections in the first constituency of the Somme sees it as a way of “reconquer peripheral France, towns, countryside and yellow vests”asking the united left to “set priority” for the next five years of “not to abandon this France to the National Front”

E. Macron defends a “revision of the treaties” of the EU: “It is France which is blocking concrete Europe”

“Emmanuel Macron really likes to make speeches but we will have to see what changes in the facts”warns Francois Ruffin. The deputy The rebellious France reacts to the announcements of the President of the Republic who said to himself “favorable”Monday in Strasbourg, at a “treaty review” of the European Union.

The rebellious accuses Emmanuel Macron of blocking “a concrete Europe that is moving in the right direction”. “There was the will, including from the European Commission, to move towards real paternity leave with a guaranteed minimum everywhere. Who blocked it? Emmanuel Macron’s France”launched François Ruffin, before continuing: “Who blocked taxes on financial transactions? Emmanuel Macron’s France.”

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