the left in the reconquest of the popular electorate


France 3

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The annual high mass of the Communist Party, the Festival of Humanity, has been held since Friday, September 9 on a former site of the Air Force, in Essonne. The opportunity for the PC to distinguish itself in the middle of the Nupes… even if it means offending some.

The Festival of Humanity, which opened its doors on Friday September 9 in Brétigny-sur-Orge (Essonne), is not only a festival, it is also an essential political meeting for the left. “Behind me, there are stands where there are debates between socialists, ecologists, rebels and communists, who are trying to stand out from the others”reports, Saturday 10, the journalist Hugo Capelli, live from Brétigny-sur-Orge (Essonne).

Fabien Roussel cast a chill within the Nupes coalition, saying “no longer wanting allowances from the left”, quotes the journalist. Enough to make Jean-Luc Mélenchon jump, returned in the morning for the first time in six years. The Communists, like the rest of the left, will also confront certain members of the government, such as Gabriel Attal, Clément Beaune or Marlène Schiappa, who will be present in the afternoon.

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