the joint committee meets on Monday December 18



Video length: 1 min

Immigration law: the joint committee meets this Monday, December 18

Immigration law: the joint committee meets this Monday, December 18 – (Franceinfo)

The joint committee on the immigration bill meets Monday December 18 from 5 p.m. The final negotiations took place Sunday evening to save the text.

Two and a half hours of negotiations to agree on the immigration law, in vain. When he left Matignon on the evening of Sunday December 17, the president of the Republicans Éric Ciotti was very clear: “At this point, we can’t talk about agreement.” The right was expecting a new version of the text and government guarantees on Monday morning. “We want specific commitments on the reform of AME (state medical aid) and on the means of expulsion of illegal immigrants”indicated Eric Ciotti.

Nothing is won for the government

A few hours before the joint committee, which meets Monday from 5 p.m., nothing is gained for the government. However, the stakes are high, because without agreement from the commission, the text would be definitively rejected. On the other hand, with a compromise, it would be put to a vote on Tuesday, December 19, in the Senate and the National Assembly. A solution hoped for by the government, which says it is ready to give up on the regularization of undocumented immigrants in professions in shortage. The decision would be made by the prefect, on a case-by-case basis; insufficient, according to the Republicans.

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