Around Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Friday September 22, 2023.
The themes :
The XV of France awaits news from its captainAntoine Dupont, injured in the jaw Friday evening during the match against Namibia.
Migrants at the heart of the Pope’s visit to Marseille : the Pope arrived in Marseille to focus on European migration policy. A meeting is planned for Saturday with Emmanuel Macron.
The twilight of the Nupes? Invectives and attacks are flying between the different figures of the Nupes, but will the movement survive these tensions, which have existed since its creation?
Senatorial elections: stability in sight ? The senatorial elections take place this Sunday, while the Upper House remains unknown to the French.
The guests :
Franck Dedieudeputy editorial director of Marianne
Alexandra Savianajournalist at L’Express
Véronique Reille-Soultpresident of Backbone Consulting
Benjamin Morelpolitical scientist, lecturer at Paris-2
Find all of the Informés from Friday September 22: