the increase in the price of butter could have repercussions on that of the pancake



France 3

Article written by

M.-P. Degorce, JJ. Buty, N. Salem, C. Dechassey – France 3

France Televisions

There may be less butter in your pancake this year, unless it costs a little more. Explanations in 19/20, Thursday December 30.

The pancake des rois, the favorite pastry of the French after the holidays, has arrived. The bakers are at thework, and to succeed, the secret is butter. “It is a technical butter, which allows you to have beautiful, flaky pastries“, says Fabrice Pottier, baker and pastry chef. pancake with frangipane contains 50% butter, an ingredient that is increasingly expensive. “In September I paid 4.50 euros for the butter in a lump. Today he wants 6.50 euros“, adds the craftsman.

For him, there is no question of skimping on quantity, and therefore giving up quality. Faced with the rise in prices, it will increase by 90 cents the pancake for 4 people. If prices increase, some butters are completely missing. At a wholesaler, stocks are at their lowest. The butter in slabs is lacking, so the supplier sells a product from across the Channel, in another form. Each year, the French buy 30 million pancakes in January.

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