the Ile-de-France region will release 20 million euros to help repair public property

Emergency aid will be voted by the region on Wednesday July 5th.

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The president of the Ile-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, during a ceremony in Versailles (Yvelines), March 31, 2023. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

The Ile-de-France region will vote emergency aid of 20 million euros to help mayors rebuild public facilities destroyed or damaged by the riots in reaction to the death of Nahelannounced its president Valérie Pécresse on Twitter, Friday, June 30. “These are schools, municipal police, annex town halls, social centers, buses, trams that have been targeted, attacked, vandalized, ransacked”summarized the elected Les Républicains, denouncing acts “intolerable” towards the “public services that the inhabitants need”. A RATP bus center was set on fire in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), on the night of Thursday to Friday, with 12 vehicles destroyed.

“We will not let thugs attack the symbols of the Republic”added the president of the first region of France to justify this “exceptional budget”. “We will rebuild and we will not yield an inch to violence”she said again. The vote will take place on Wednesday 5 July.

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