The host’s cheeky and daring attempt to infiltrate George Clooney’s house…

This Friday, June 3 from 9:05 p.m., Antoine de Maximy will offer onRMC Discovery a number of I will sleep at your house filmed in Hawaii. The animator and his small cameras landed on Big Island, more precisely in the small town of Hilo before going to the side of Honolulu on the island of Ohau before going to the small island of Molokai. Another 100% unprecedented trip awaits viewers on June 17… in Côte d’Ivoire. He will visit the cities of Tiaképleu, Man or Yamoussoukro, the capital of the country. “But not everything is going to go as planned… After a first evening spent with the crowd in front of the African Cup of Nations, the adventurer went to Abidjan, Fatoumata and Man. In this episode, Antoine de Maximy was the victim of a fibula fracture which forced him to return to Paris earlier than planned for surgery”, can we read on the website of BackstageTV.

The 63-year-old man was present this Wednesday, June 1 on the set of Do not touch My TV on C8 to promote this new trip to Africa. Gilles Verdez asked him if during his travels he had had carnal relations.

“In the United States, I stayed three weeks, when I shot I will go to sleep in Hollywood, I tried to sleep with a star, I returned to George Clooney. I came with a hearse painted red But they kicked me out. I rang Spielberg’s doorbell, he wouldn’t let me in. I tried to corner Will Smith, they grabbed me and put me on the other side.” he first told before answering the columnist’s question. “I had stayed there for a while, and indeed I established an affinity that we made real”replied the globetrotter.

See also: “I’m not kidding”: Antoine de Maximy confides in the filming of the show “I’ll go to sleep at home” in Ukraine

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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