the host reveals rare pictures of her children and fills internet users

When she is not concocting good meals for France 3 viewers, Julie Andrieu takes care of her own and also shares her secrets with them. The companion of Stéphane Delajoux posted, Wednesday, November 16, pictures of a day spent with family in the capital. And the host and her children took advantage of the treats that the most beautiful restaurants and shops in Paris can offer. Photos accompanied by a detailed account of the small pleasures that she and her toddlers tasted.

That day we were lucky: a table in the pastry shop of @cedricgrolet (@cedricgroletopera), it’s not easy to get! We celebrated by tasting a good part of the menu. Her flower cakes enchanted us, the children and me: Fleur Chocolat, Fleur Paris-Brest, Fleur Lime Meringue and my favourite: the completely edible and completely irresistible XXL vanilla pod.“, she began. Before telling: “The afternoon didn’t stop there… We continued, a few meters away, with a @flyviewparis trip: a kind of virtual reality multiplex located just opposite the Opéra Garnier which takes you to the destination of your choice. I obviously chose the trip through France. Fascinating. We fly over the most beautiful villages in France, the cathedrals, the Mont-Blanc… The technology is pushed to its limit and the rendering of the images is sensational. A flight on a vibrating platform to try urgently (but with 4 cakes in the stomach it was not the best idea).

Clichés that have satisfied Internet users and followers of the pretty blonde. “VShis cupcake looks delicious Julie just like you are delicious Julie really beautiful”, “Really breathtaking”, “How beautiful! And surely very good”, “Thank you for making us discover magical places !!!!“, can we read among the reactions of Internet users.


See also: Julie Andrieu “virgin” at 35: this unexpected announcement!

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