The horoscope for Sunday, September 25, 2022

Ram : you take advantage of this situation to make agreements and give your confidence, or not, to whoever you want. Boosted, you can almost anything!

Bull : you are certainly taking risks, but you have to get started in this new school year, you are quite right! You will know in the second half of 2023!

Gemini : It could be a family Sunday, and for most of you it will be. But beware of spats!

Cancer : It’s a beautiful, beautiful day again! You will be able to relax because you will be reassured, by some and by others! By one person in particular!

Lion : money, material goods smile at you. It’s up to you to share, it’s up to you to share it with your loved ones, like the new faces around you!

Virgin : your path will not necessarily resemble the most frequented one. This does not scare you, you assume to have a different road from the others!

Balance : you will have the means to embellish your life and start on new bases! But always be sure to be in tune with your inner strong!

Scorpio : it is by recharging your batteries and connecting to your beautiful inner life that you will be able to move forward tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Think about it today!

Sagittarius : this New Moon gives you the energy, the smile, and it is obvious, you will have friends, a love no doubt, and attractive goals!

Capricorn : for and with you, it won’t always be funny! But at least you are progressing professionally, and in your life in society!

Aquarius : by seeing other faces, by going to explore other places, you grow from within. It gives you wings to belay outside!

Pisces : you will need references and haunts. If you have the blues, listen to music, get out of your usual world, open your door!

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