the hidden pregnancy and the immense sadness!

For five years, Laeticia Hallyday has been on all fronts to honor the memory of the father of her two daughters: Jade and Joy. In December 2017, Johnny Hallyday breathed his last at the age of 74 after a long fight against illness. The rocker thus left behind him relatives and inconsolable fans. To this day, Laeticia Hallyday strives to perpetuate her artistic heritage.

Out of sight, the businesswoman orchestrated the traveling exhibition focused on the talier. She was also heavily invested in the report “Johnny by Laeticia” broadcast this Thursday, December 8 on M6. The opportunity for viewers to discover intimate and unpublished images of the famous singer and his entourage. Laeticia Hallyday wanted to honor the key moments of their existence: from their union to the adoption of their two daughters, to name a few.

“I lost this child…”

Facing the camera, Hélène Darroze’s BFF has agreed to come back to a painful episode in her life. Few know it, but a few years ago, André Boudou’s daughter suffered a miscarriage. “I carried this weight of not being able to give him the child he so dreamed of. It had become an obsession for him to have a child but I could not give him this child so it was great moments of deep pain for me “. revealed the companion of Jalil Lespert not without emotion. On a daily basis, the star took it upon herself not to sink: “ I carried this weight for years and for 10 years, we lived back and forth to the hospital, from in vitro fertilization (IVF), from despair to failed hopes. And then, I was pregnant, I carried a child until 5 months of pregnancy and I lost this child. »

By becoming a mother through adoption, Laeticia Hallyday rediscovered herself at all levels. A beautiful approach which also upset the interpreter of “L’Envie”. “Johnny was a child abandoned by his parents, his father whom he knew very little and his mother, whom he knew much later. But he always suffered, it was one of the traumas that accompanied his life. analyzed Laeticia Hallyday on the set of Daily. “ Jade and Joy are abandoned children, like him, and that saved him. It fixed him because he made peace with some demons…”


to see also: Laeticia Hallyday drops the top in the press: and it is the family scandal!

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