The hidden power of trees: the hazel tree

Also called coudrier, the hazel tree is a shrub with multiple qualities. The word “hazel tree” appeared in the 16th century, while the origin of the tree dates back to the tertiary period. The hazel tree is a great refuge and a source of food for many animals. Druids already used Y-shaped hazel rods in their divinatory practices or to seek water like today’s dowsers. Rich in proteins, fibers and lipids of excellent quality, the hazelnut is a very nourishing and satiating fruit. In terms of health, the hazel helps to fight against cell aging and bad cholesterol. Going into contact with a hazel promotes meditation and allows you to detect the origin of your problems. It therefore serves as a catalyst and trigger for change. When you are not well, your horizon is blocked and your projects are no longer progressing, then go see a hazel tree.

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – Sylvotherapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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