the health pass soon compulsory at work?



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While the Netherlands has opted for a containment strategy for the end of year celebrations, France has chosen not to impose overly restrictive measures, for the moment. However, can the health pass become compulsory to go to work?

Will you have to take out your health pass to go to your workplace as you already have to do in the cinema? The idea is gaining ground at government level and it could force employers to verify the validity of employee passes.We cannot impose it on the professional world“, testifies a Francilien on a market at the microphone of France Televisions.

In a brasserie near Paris, the sanitary pass has already been compulsory for employees since August 30. Four months later, they come back to a measure rather well lived. We only lost one boy who didn’t get the vaccine, but he left on his own“, explains an employee of the brewery. A health pass, already compulsory in museums, theaters and amusement parks, wherever employees are in contact with the public. In France, you only have 40% of people who can telecommute […] you are going to have activity problems“, reports Benoît Serre, vice-president of the National Association HRD.

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