The health contribution and the unvaccinated

The Quebec government’s health contribution takes on the appearance of an important measure given its novelty and the legal, economic, social and ethical problems it raises. However, it does not make any significant contribution to getting out of the health crisis we are experiencing.

This measure does not add any additional constraint for the access of the unvaccinated to public space, while the reduction in the number of contacts of the unvaccinated is an essential condition for reducing their number in hospitals and intensive care.

The health contribution will be required as part of the 2023 income tax return, so that it cannot have significant effects on vaccination for several months.

The announcement of the health contribution aims first of all to reduce the discontent of the vaccinated. It is also an attempt to revive the political debate in the field of equity between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated and to forget the debate on the expansion of the vaccination passport, compulsory vaccination or even crisis containment which risk requiring immediate action.

The government is betting that the combined effects of the constraints put in place in December, the decrease in the intensity of the virus and efforts to find additional staff for the health system will allow it to get through the crisis. It is a political choice. Hopefully this is a good choice, taking into account the scientific information available to the government.

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