the head of state welcomes an economic and industrial “rearmament” of France


Video length: 13 min

Wishes from Emmanuel Macron: the head of state welcomes an economic and industrial “rearmament” of France

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The Head of State sent his Happy New Year wishes to the French before the transition to 2024, Sunday December 31. He welcomed the country’s “industrial, technological and scientific rearmament”, and presented 2024 as “a year of hope”.

Emmanuel Macron delivered the traditional Happy New Year wishes on Sunday, December 31, before the transition to 2024. He first spoke of a year 2023 marked by “growing geopolitical tension“and by war”U-shapedkraine” And “in the Middle East“. Returning to the pension reform, the head of state recognized that it was unpopular, but assured that it was necessary.

A “rearmament” of France

The President of the Republic’s speech was marked by the idea of ​​”rearmament“of France, particularly economically, thanks to the reforms of “unemployment insurance, the revival of our green industries, the acceleration of France 2030, the overhaul of the vocational high school, the reform of Pôle emploi and active solidarity income”, among others “major transformations“. Emmanuel Macron also welcomed a “historic law for our military. In a decade, the budget of our armies will have been doubled.

More generally, the head of state defended a “industrial, technological, scientific rearmament“, and refuted, in an implicit allusion to the oppositions, “those who favor electoral calculations, small arrangements or their personal interests“. 2024 will be the opportunity to “choose a stronger, more sovereign Europe, in light of the legacy of Jacques Delors“, died on December 27, he still maintained.

Emmanuel Macron welcomed the progress of the Notre-Dame Cathedral construction site, which could be five years, as promised“. Before talking about the Olympic Games coming this summer, a “popular festival made possible by thousands of volunteers”and conclude by seeing in 2024 “a year of hope.

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