“The hand was extended, and continues to be extended to the opposition”, assures Olivier Véran, spokesperson for the government.

“The hand was extended, and continues to be extended to the oppositions. Are there any Republican oppositions who wish to work with us in a collective?”asked Olivier Véran, government spokesperson, on France Inter on Tuesday.

The vote of confidence “is not necessary”justified Olivier Véran after the choice of Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne not to seek the confidence of Parliament. “The vote of confidence is made to show the French that an absolute majority is an absolute majority. In this case, there were pitfalls to avoid”, specifies the replacement for Olivia Grégoire as government spokesperson. Olivier Véran ensures that “useful confidence” will be demonstrated by the government through its ability to “to pass laws”, “in co-construction with the oppositions”.

“Individual poaching is over, it is useless”also said Olivier Véran, while the vacant ministerial posts were allocated to members of the majority. “Do you think that, if you catch a green, communist or LR MP, all of a sudden, the group around him will say to himself ‘great, we’re coming to work with the government’? No, he will ostracize the deputy in question. A capture of war has no impact either on the policy conducted or on the framework of the majority”justifies the government spokesperson.

Access to voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) is “a fragile right”regrets Olivier Véran.

“We must be given the means to ensure that certain rights can never be called into question.”

Olivier Veran

at France Inter

“We must identify the most useful and appropriate ways and means to ensure that never a Head of State or a government in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years can consider that women’s rights can be flouted”continues the government spokesman without specifying whether the government plans to include access to abortion in the French Constitution.

Faced with the seventh wave of Covid in France, Olivier Véran ensures that the obligation to wear a mask in certain places is not on the agenda. “The French have perfectly integrated the idea that the mask protects them and that certain situations are more at risk than others. In public transport or in crowded places, we see the masks which reappear on the faces and I think that it’s reasonable to do it when you have days with more than 150,000 diagnosed cases”said the government spokesperson.

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