The group of employers of the Dordogne is the relay of offers to be filled in Perigord blanc et vert

The Dordogne Métiers 24 Employers’ Group meets the personnel needs of companies, local authorities and associations and today relays three job offers in different sectors.

  • If you have experience in the field of mechanics in diesel engines, hydraulics and electricity, know that we ask for an agricultural or heavy vehicle mechanic in Saint-Saud-Lacoussière for a full-time permanent contract.
  • At La Chapelle-Faucher, we are looking for a stove installer, pellet stove, fireplace and inserts, with immediate full-time hiring date, on fixed-term or permanent contract. Training within the company is possible, as well as a discovery internship.
  • If you have experience in carpentry, as well as a CAP, a carpenter position is offered to you on a fixed-term or permanent contract in Antonne, over 39 hours a week from Monday to Friday.

To apply

Nothing could be simpler, you will need to contact Océane Adam from Groupement Employeurs 24 by email at [email protected].

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