Josephine Baker is no longer to present, for us adults, even if we still have so much to learn about this woman and her universal values.
Alice babin, to texts, and Camille de Cussac, with illustrations, offer us the opportunity to introduce our children to the great life of Joséphine Baker. She who has experienced the violence of racism, but who has become a star of the scene and who above all, has marked the history of France by her acts of resistance, has so many values to share from an early age.
– Gallimard Youth
Josephine Baker, by Alice Babin and Camille de Cussac, in the Les Grandes Vies collection, can be found at Gallimard Jeunesse editions.
In this “Les Grandes Vies” collection, you can also find small books dedicated to children on Anne Frank, Frida Kahlo, Charles Darwin, or even Simone Veil and many others.
News side, for the author Alice babin, his very first novel was released on October 6 at Editions JC Lattès: “Prayer instead”. A tribute to the street of his childhood but also a questioning of the memory of places and their modifications over time.