the government will “probably have to resort to 49.3”, but not on Monday

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne spoke on TF1 on Sunday evening about the vote on the budget in the National Assembly.

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The government should use Article 49.3 of the Constitution to have the first part of its draft budget passed in the Assembly without a vote. But it won’t be “not monday”as assured by Elisabeth Borne Sunday October 16. Opposition groups “almost all confirmed to me that they would not vote for the budget and that they would even vote against it. So we will no doubt have to use 49.3 but, contrary to what Jean-Luc Mélenchon says, it will not be not tomorrow” Monday, said the Prime Minister on TF1.

The head of government, deprived of an absolute majority in the National Assembly, said that she “wish (wish) that the debate takes place” : “It’s a debate that is important, there are quality exchanges, there are interesting proposals, some of which, those of the majority and those of the opposition, could be included in the final text.”

Elisabeth Borne specified that she would have “starting tomorrow, (…) an exchange with the presidents of parliamentary groups” of the majority, made up of Renaissance, MoDem and Horizons. “We will look at which amendments will be included in the final text and which will not”she added, refusing to say whether the amendment taxing super-dividends, at the initiative of the MoDem and adopted against the advice of the government, would be among the amendments retained.

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