the government will appoint an interministerial delegate to speed up the accessibility of buildings and services

The departments will also have a sub-prefect responsible for the issue of disability. The Prime Minister must give details on the post of interministerial delegate during a committee organized Thursday on this subject in Paris.

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The government will soon appoint an interministerial delegate responsible for improving the accessibility of buildings, but also access to digital or communication services for people with disabilities, AFP learned on Wednesday October 5 from the Prime Minister’s entourage. .

The future delegate must “steer” public policy aimed at accelerating the accessibility of buildings or establishments open to the public. In addition, the European directive on this subject, which should in principle have been transposed into French law before the end of June, will be “by the end of the year”said the same source.

Each department will also soon have a sub-prefect responsible for the issue of disability. Elisabeth Borne, who on the occasion of an Interministerial Disability Committee (CIH) organized Thursday in Paris, is to visit the premises of the “Relais Handicap” at Paris-Cité University and discuss with disabled students, should also mention the continuation until 2027 of the “autism strategy”, deployed since 2018 and initially scheduled until 2022. Elisabeth Borne must provide details on the future post of interministerial delegate at the CIH to define the “method” work of the executive during the five-year period to come, specified Matignon.

This committee will bring together in the premises of the University of Paris-Cité the representatives of “civil society” involved in the disability sector, around the Prime Minister and 11 of her ministers. It will aim to “to stimulate a new dynamic”before the National Disability Conference (CNH) which should be the occasion for concrete announcements in the spring.

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