the government wants to regularize undocumented workers in sectors in tension


France 2

Article written by

A. Girault-Carlier, A. Peyrout, J. Assouly, Ph. Lagaune, F. Badaire, N. Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

To compensate for the lack of labor in the sectors in tension, the government is considering regularizing undocumented workers in these trades. A measure decried by the opposition in the National Assembly.

In the hotel and catering industry, personal services, agriculture and construction alone, nearly 800,000 positions are to be filled. To compensate for this lack of manpower in these so-called shortage occupations, the government wants to create residence permits for undocumented workers. In many construction sites in Île-de-France, work has been delayed due to a shortage of workers. “On a site like this, I only have two people when I should have six,” says a boss who even has to refuse future sites. At the same time, he receives applications from undocumented foreigners whom he cannot hire.

The government would consider one-year residence permits for these workers. If the reform passes, the employee can himself request his regularization. Today, only the employer can do this. A bill that makes both the right and the left jump. “It’s the best way to bring other foreigners in an irregular situation, to call them to come”deplores the deputy LR Éric Ciotti. “We must regularize foreign workers, all of them. I don’t see why it would only be the sectors under tension”, argues for his part David Guiraud, LFI deputy from the North. The text will be debated in the Senate next January.

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