The executive estimates that the abolition of this tax will make purchasing power up to 138 euros per year to nearly 23 million households liable.
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The government wants to abolish the audiovisual license fee this year, as part of measures to support household purchasing power, according to the report of the Council of Ministers of Wednesday May 11. “The contribution to public broadcasting will be permanently abolished this year and the financing of public broadcasting will be ensured in compliance with the constitutional objective of pluralism and independence of the media”says the report.
The abolition of the fee of 138 euros, paid by nearly 23 million liable households with a television and which brings in more than 3 billion euros net per year, is a campaign promise from Emmanuel Macron. Before the election, he had judged his disappearance “consistent” with the abolition of the residence tax, which is collected at the same time as the fee.
At Bercy, we confirm that “the goal” is indeed to ratify this deletion “in 2022” via the amending finance bill which will be presented after the June legislative elections. The mechanism that will replace this mode of financing has not yet been specified.