the government seized hundreds of western planes

Despite the sanctions imposed by the European Union, the country has monopolized nearly 700 devices, for a total value of several billion euros.

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This was one of the sanctions inflicted on Russia: the country had to return to their owner its aeronautical apparatuses in the process of being acquired. Problem: nothing happened. “It should be understood that, of the approximately thousand commercial aircraft in Russia, almost 800 are foreign planes on lease, mainly Airbus and BoeingExplain Anastasia Dagaeva, specialist in the aeronautics sector in Russia at the Carnegie Foundation. The government has decided not to return these planes.”

>> War in Ukraine: Faced with the sanctions imposed by the West, is the Russian economy at an impasse?

Only 76 Russian devices, which were abroad when the sanctions were decided, have been recovered by their legitimate owners. But Russia has seized almost 700 other planes, for a total value of billions of euros.

In an attempt to cover up this larceny, the Russian authorities have created new registrations for all these devices. A waste of time: this trick didn’t deceive anyone. “This vehicle registration is not recognized outside of Russiaassures the expert. It means nothing, it’s a fake!”

“Even the Chinese have warned that they will not allow these aircraft to fly over their territory. This is a violation of international law.”

Anastasia Dagaeva, specialist

at franceinfo

If they land overseas, these planes risk being seized. They can therefore only fly mainly in Russian airspace. And again, not everything is accessible to them: 10 of the 12 airports in the southern district, that of summer destinations, are currently closed, due to the war in Ukraine.

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