the government recognizes “non-compliance with Parcoursup”

According to Médiapart, one of the sons of Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, educated in the private establishment, benefited from a system which guarantees students to be admitted to the preparatory class for the grandes écoles.



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The Stanislas school establishment, in Paris, January 17, 2024. (JEAN-BAPTISTE QUENTIN / MAXPPP)

Government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot acknowledged, Wednesday January 24, that there had been “a non-compliance with Parcoursup” on the part of the private establishment Stanislas, circumvention revealed the day before by Médiapart concerning in particular one of the sons of the Minister of Education Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. A report unveiled this week by the online media revealed that in Stanislas, “certain students are encouraged to renounce their other wishes in Parcoursup” in exchange for the “guaranteed admission” in preparatory class for the Grandes Ecoles (CPGE).

Prisca Thevenot also assured that Prime Minister Gabriel Attal had “full confidence” in his Minister of Education, undermined by several controversies since his appointment. She also stated that these are THE “children” by Amélie Oudéa-Castéra who “asked to be in a single-sex class” to Stanislas. The day before, Mediapart affirmed that this choice had been made by the Minister of National Education. “A decision that raises questions because the minister is responsible for fighting against gender stereotypes at school”noted the online newspaper.

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