The measure is to be announced next week by Elisabeth Borne during the presentation of the government’s youth plan. In Europe, driving alone from the age of 17 is possible, especially in Ireland or Slovakia.
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The government plans to lower the minimum age to pass a driving license to 17, according to information from franceinfo on Wednesday June 14. The measure will be announced in eight days by Elisabeth Borne during the presentation of the government’s youth plan from the National Council for Refoundation dedicated to youth.
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The head of government has received young people several times at Matignon. According to several ministers, the request for the lowering of this minimum age is recurrent on the ground. The measure “was under the speed cameras”recognizes one of them.
As early as 2019, a member of the majority had deposited on the office of former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe a report which recommended a reform of the driving license for young people in accompanied driving up to 18 years old, only on national territory, as this is the case in the United Kingdom. According to a government source at franceinfo, the latest legal expertise is underway to validate this development of the driving license.
A helping hand to the Republicans
Emmanuel Macron wants to reach one million apprentices per year by 2027. For them, not having a car can be a real obstacle, notes a close friend of the president. “Mobility, emancipation, it’s our DNA”, underlines this historical macronist, very favorable to the measure. In Europe, driving alone from the age of 17 is possible, especially in Ireland or Slovakia.
For their part, the Republicans tabled a bill three weeks ago to lower the age limit, not to 17, but to 16. The President of the Republic wants to reach out to them. The government measure can help the Élysée to decide.