the government does not give up finding “a compromise” with LR, despite its differences with the party

The right has on its side two bills on the subject, and is blocking the government’s project and its flagship measure, the creation of a residence permit “jobs in tension”.

The government does not despair of negotiating with Les Républicains (LR) on immigration. “It has been decided that Gérald Darmanin and I are going to discuss with political parties” And “the parliamentary groups to see if a compromise is possible on a reform”recalls the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, Monday, May 22 on franceinfo. “Let’s leave the necessary time for this discussion that we will start in the next few days”he delays, while LR has already advanced his pawns.

>> Immigration: LR leaders unveil two bills to “take back control”

LR opposed to the residence permit for jobs in tension

In the Sunday newspaper, the day before, the tenors of the party indeed unveiled two bills for “take back control” in matters of immigration. In particular, they provide for the possibility of organizing a referendum on migration policy or the reinstatement of the residence permit. The president of the Republicans and the presidents of the right-wing groups in Parliament are above all blocking the creation of a new residence permit for jobs in tension.

“No text that does not include new suction pumps like this massive regularization will be voted on in the Senate”for example, said the leader of the LR senators, Bruno Retailleau. “We are talking about men and women who have been in the territory for several years, it is not a call for air”, replies Olivier Dussopt. Before being rearranged, postponed and then re-announced, the government bill provided for the regularization of workers in the sectors in “tension”.

The minister defends the measure

Will the measure be in the final text, once the consultations have passed? The Minister of Labor kicks in touch, but he continues to defend it. “We simply want to make legal situations more solid, both for the benefit of the employees concerned, but also for the benefit of their employers who, in sectors such as catering, such as tourism, are in demand”he says.

Another proposal from LR: include in the Constitution “the possibility of derogating from the primacy of the treaties and of European law (…) when ‘the fundamental interests of the nation’ are at stake”, considering that immigration falls into this box. It is “unthinkable”according to Olivier Dussopt. It is the opposite of European construction and it obviously requires a constitutional revision, something quite impossible in my eyes, especially in this sense, and which would also single out and stigmatize France’s position within the European Union. “he points.

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