the government delays the examination of the “communities” part, LFI denounces a “maneuver” before a new 49.3

Two days before the resumption of debates on the finance bill (PLF) 2023, in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot was indignant on Tuesday October 25 at a change of program. According to her, it is a “maneuver” of the government.

“On the second part of the finance bill, it was announced to us on Monday, at the conference of presidents, that the local authorities […] will finally be studied on November 4″, indicates the leader of the Insoumis deputies during a press conference. Gold, “the second part of the finance bill […] had to start with the communities”she said, which was confirmed to franceinfo by a parliamentary source. “The examination of the ‘Justice’ and ‘Relations with local authorities’ missions has been reversed”we said. “The examination of the ‘Justice’ and ‘Relations with local authorities’ missions has been reversed”we said.

“When I asked the question of why we would discuss the subject of communities, which is extremely urgent in our country, only on November 4, the Minister [des Relations avec le Parlement, Franck Riester] answered me ‘as this subject is complicated, we want to provide answers to it’says Mathilde Panot. “The government needed more time”indicates for his part the entourage of Franck Riester.

“I replied to the minister that this therefore meant that there would be no 49.3 before November 4, if we wanted to discuss this question of the communities, because it would still be particularly shameful, given the situation. , that the Assembly does not deliberate on this question of local authorities“, valued Mathilde Panot. According to her, “Mr. Sacha Houlié, Chairman of the Laws Committee, replied to say that the question of communities had been studied in committee and that therefore the Assembly had deliberated on the question”.

“I believe that the mayors of the municipalities of France, that the Association of Mayors of France and all the communities of this country will be delighted to learn that this government is preparing to put a 49.3 on an ultra-sensitive question of the communities, who are in an impossible situation”, she said. She “finds it particularly scandalous that this government, once again, moves a budget discussion to ensure that it is not talked about”.

The entourage of Franck Riester denounces “unfounded criticism”, evoking a common practice of the government”.

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