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The 13 Hours of France 2 met Chloé Métahri, business manager and blogger, who delivers her good advice on the Internet to reduce expenses.
In a video, Chloe Metahri, entrepreneur and blogger on “My Slow Life”, shares some tips for saving money every day, especially in the kitchen. For her, eating well for a reduced price is possible. In order to manage your kitchen budget to the nearest euro, you have to be well organized. “I have a shopping budget which is defined every month. It’s the same, and to respect it, I found a solution: make the menus every week”Explain Chloe Metahri.
Chloé Métahri has a budget of 400 euros per month for shopping for a family of four. To stick to it, the blogger almost never goes to the store. “I shop at an online organic grocery store which, through a membership system, allows me to have organic products much cheaper than in stores, between 30 and 50% cheaper”, she describes. To access these low prices, you have to pay 59 euros for registration. In a year and a half, the business manager has spent 700 euros less than in stores.
To save money on fresh produce, Chloé Métahri relies on local and seasonal products. “It avoids having prices that include the transport of fruits or vegetables”, she says. Compared to mass distribution, the saving is sometimes limited, but it is still around twenty euros per year at least. To save even more, Chloé Métahri also buys so-called “downgraded” fruits and vegetables, that is to say a little damaged, which are less expensive.