the Girondins de Bordeaux denounce an “incomprehensible” demotion to National 1 and announce “an appeal”

President Gérard Lopez, quoted by a press release from the club, announced on Tuesday that an appeal would be exercised.

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Bordeaux does not digest the sanction. The administrative demotion of the Girondins in National 1 was confirmed by the National Directorate of Control and Management (DNCG), Tuesday, July 5. In a statement issued in the wake of the verdict, the club denounced a decision “unacceptable and incomprehensible”. Quoted in the document, President Gérard Lopez announced that he wanted to appeal “against this iniquitous decision”.

The Girondins believe they have provided the DNCG with the guarantees requested during their previous appearance before the French football police, on June 14. The leaders of the Navy and White consider themselves to have ensured “a strong re-engagement of the shareholders”, “massive debt restructuring”, “a rescheduling of stadium rents” and “a cash line to pre-finance its player sales target”.

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